Data Discipline
Say goodbye to the hassle of packing data. In PHDwin V3, this is no longer an issue, saving you significant time. With improved data discipline, your workflow becomes smoother and more efficient.
Efficient Graph reporting
Reporting graphs has never been easier. In PHDwin V3, what used to be an 11-step process in Version 2 is now condensed into a single step. No more reliance on external tools like Adobe Acrobat. With just four simple steps, you can collate graphs alongside reports seamlessly.
Faster Economic Runs
We know your time is your most valuable asset, which is why PHDwin V3 is faster than Version 2. Economic runs that once took 10+ minutes in Version 2 now happen in 2-4 minutes in V3, sometimes even faster depending on hardware. This significant time saving allows you to focus on more critical tasks and get back to what matters most to you.
Outputting Data
Never has it been easier to work back and forth between PHDwin and excel and ensure the best economic data is available seamlessly between both applications.
We feature five versions of PHDwin V3 Connect.
V3 Exec Connect gives users quick one-line outputs.
Helps provide a quick view of total values for individual economic runs. This helps users optimize decision making.
The PHDwin V3 Exec Connect is the most comprehensive one-line output.
The first PHDwin V3 Connect feature we released and the easiest to get started with for seamless excel and PHDiwn V3 data integration.
Helps users manage forecast outputs.
Forecast in a single place faster and easier.
Allows users to control forecast parameters, enabling seamless Quality Control (QC) and updated economic runs.
This tool helps replace projection edit feature in PHDwin V2.
Allows users to access data summaries in a single line format and with monthly reports.
Also allows users to view grand totals or any custom summaries within each report.
Helps streamline data analysis and make data driven decisions.
Enhances connect data management for multi-scenario reporting.
Represents multiple scenarios, strategic business units (SBUs), or entities.
Outputs Oil, Gas, NGL and water streams in a columnar output for clients that need specific outputs.
Holds the most amount of yearly data of any PHDwin Output (50 years).
Scheduled Forecasts
PHDwin V3 can natively manage scheduled forecast data and can even convert ARPS forecasts into scheduled data. Users can then copy data to any MS office product, or adjust their production every month. This feature helps users make data compatible between third-party forecast systems.
Improved Input Review
Understanding the inputs leading to reported figures is crucial. In Version 3, the input report has been revamped for clarity and user-friendliness.
Say goodbye to cryptic reports with poor construction. Version 3 provides a clearer picture of your inputs, making review processes smoother.
Enhanced Collaboration
Collaboration is key in today’s work environment. With PHDwin V3, collaboration becomes seamless. Multiple users can work in the same database in separate instances and easily mere their work back together. This collaborative feature enhances teamwork and decision-making processes.
Long-term Solution
PHDwin V3 features an open data set, allowing you to control your data and third-party integrations, how you want, whenever you want, forever! At TRC Consultants we believe you should own your data and control your companies most valuable information. in the most secure way, locally and with enhanced encryption and password protection.
Invest in a tool that grows with you and supports your evolving needs.
Final Thoughts
PHDwin V3 offers easier data management, streamlined workflows, enhanced collaboration, and improved decision-making capabilities. Do not let software become updated and leave you in a bind. Speak to a PHDwin specialist today and see what Version 3 can do for your organization!
Experience V3 today.