New Features
Global Editor
- Global Editor model functions have been reorganized by categories and renamed, in order to make actions and functions more intuitive.
- A new “Clear” function has been added to each category, allowing to clear case specific entries.
- New forecast global edits have been added. These are the following: Align Start Date to Major Phase, Force End Date, Force Start Date, Shift Start Date and Truncate Start Date.
- Combo Graph report. This report will run a One Liner report in combination with a user-definable graph. The graph report would be displayed by drilling-down to a case.
- Waterfall report. This report would allow you to understand cashflows in a visual format.
- Inflation for investments has now been enabled. Inflation models (created as Percent Escalations) will be available at the scenario level and on a case specific basis.
Program Interface
- A new preferences tab has been added to the ribbon. This tab contains keyboard options and settings for graphs. The latter would also be honored in graph reports, these are the following:
- Always Display Report Date and ECL Lines.
- Truncate Forecasts at ECL Date.
Improvements and Bug Fixes
- ARIES import routine:
- Improved handling of nested references in Aries sidefiles and lookups.
- Improved handling of Price Models creation on import.
- Import timeout limits extended and optimized for faster import speed and larger data sets (may require full SQL)
Fiscal Models/Cash Formulas
- Fiscal model creation has been vastly improved. Overall improvements to the usability of the Fiscal Models form and resolution to issues revolving: rebranching of fiscal models, creating a copy of a fiscal model, importing fiscal models, and reporting of cash formulas.
- ActDeck and InpDeck modifiers have been implemented to resolve issues with price modifiers in cash formulas. These modifiers work for any deck applied to any stream.
- Resolved an issue with investment depreciation not being consistently accounted for in cash formulas.
Eco Engine
- Overall improvements to group economics, including: allocation of expenses and investments, blended ownership calculation.
- Resolved an issue where a negative case multiplied would not affect the Group Economic Limit (GEL) calculation.
- Resolved an issue with commerciality (Hurdles) and group cases, where marginal negative cashflows would not deem a group case non-commercial.
- Resolved an issue with recompletion cases whose bases were non-commercial, would become non-economic.
- Hard coded product multipliers have been removed. This item resolves volume conversion issues in formula products.
- Resolved an issue and improves the application of cut-off values.
- Overall improvement to scenario linking properties and case relationship in linked scenarios.
- Resolved an issue where the economic start of recompletion cases was inherited from a linked scenario.
- Resolved an issue and fine-tunes incremental properties between parent and child scenarios.
Graphs and Normalized Curve
- Decline and projected rates on walk mode are now displayed in the forecast ribbon.
- Resolved the regression of an issue with projections not drawing if linked to the Beg Date of Major Phase product.
- Resolved an issue with production gathering and well count in Norm Curve cases.
- Resolved an issue with ratio products being off-scale on a Vol/Day basis.
Cases/Case List
- Improvement to the stability of the program surrounding Sorts and Filters.
- Case changes are now limited to their corresponding case type. Cases can no longer be changed from a non-economic type to an economic or a standard case.
- Resolution of an issue with case membership in the duplication and incremental case creation of economic group cases has been resolved.
- Case Duplication vastly improved, and now runs faster and can handle larger selections and no longer freezes during duplication.
- Incremental Creation will now copy the parent case information at the time of creation into the incremental, which will be available if user unlinks the incremental afterwards.
- Resolved an issue where running reports was not triggering a save for the case. Leading to inconsistent report values.
- Resolved an issue with daily data not being displayed on batch graph report runs.
Global and Grid Editor
- Overall improvement to the performance of the global editor.
- Overall improvement to inserting data and deleting rows across several edit tables in the grid editor.
Project Manager and Prospects
- Overall improvements to project case creation and case membership across scenarios.
- Resolved an issue with renaming a project with an existing project, would generate a system exception.
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